The most popular university majors in Germany
location detection Study Check, which is concerned with evaluating the university attitudes of German students, found that there are more than 13,000 university courses in Germany, according to the German website Studern M.Nets. But despite this huge number of majors, the majority of German students choose some well-known majors such as business administration, law or medicine, as these majors are very popular with both sexes. However, the ranking of the ten most popular majors in Germany shows some differences in attitudes between male and female students.
For men, the most popular majors were identified as follows: Business administration is at the fore, followed by engineering, informatics, electrical engineering, law, business engineering, medicine, business computer science, and finally physics.
As for women, the results of the study published by the German website Studiern M.Nets came as follows: Business administration is the most popular branch for female students as well, followed immediately by German literature, medicine, law, and education. English literature, biology, economics, psychology, and finally mathematics. For more information, please visit the following link: https://germanuniversties.wordpress.com