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Our motto is our excellence and your trust is what drives us forward


Our goal is to make you learn German with passion


Here you will find fast and guaranteed success by highly qualified teachers, modern teaching methods and curricula


Our lessons are not only about learning a language, but also about getting to know German culture and society


Your trip to Germany starts here - with LGK

News & Articles

Opening your closed account in Fintiba

Here is a complete explanation and response to all your inquiries and everything you need to know about opening your closed account in Fintiba Opening a closed bank account in Fintiba is not difficult at all, the process will not take more than ten minutes, but why does the student need to open a...

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Requirements to study in Germany for British High School (IGCSE) students

At the request of many students and parents, we present to you the requirements to study in Germany for British High School students (IGCSE): First - British high school graduates wishing to study medical sciences (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, etc.): In order to enroll and secu...

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Permanent residence in Germany

Conditions for permanent residence in Germany

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German tax system & Taxes in Germany

The German Tax System What taxes must be paid in Germany and who must pay?

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Residence registration in Germany

In principle, anyone who comes to Germany and wants to stay longer than three months must register their residential address"Anmeldung" with German authorities two weeks later. Even if you are not a refugee, you must contact the local authorities such as "Einwohnermeldeamt" or "Bürgeramt", according...

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Our Student`s Reviews

For anyone wanting to learn German I highly recommend LGK as it is the best place to learn German in Kuwait with such amazing and dedicated teachers. Thanks a lot Herr Ahmed and Herr Hossam for your great work and making learning German a much easier and more joyful experience



جودة الشرح ممتازة جدا والمدرس يركز على خلق أجواء تعليمية جميلة وممتعة ويوصل المعلومة ب افضل السبل ويتابع معاك خطوة ب خطوة وحتى في البيت 👌🏻



My A1 teacher was Herr Wa7eed, Then the second level ( A2) Frau/ Doaa & Salwa. They were all professional and friendly. Herr Amin has a high professional level and he is very committed to our success. The technical support was very good and I would recommend LGK to my friends. I've truly enjoyed, learned a lot and gotten a lot of experience.

Abdulla Almunji

Abdulla Almunji

كل الشكر و التقدير لاستاذ حسام و استاذ احمد علي المجهود الكبير اللي بيبذل لتوصيل المعلومة و المتابعة للواجبات و المراجعة و الفهم للدروس و التأهيل و التدريب لدخول امتحان جوتا أفضل معهد LGK لتعليم اللغة الألمانية

Eman Elmazboot

Eman Elmazboot

من افضل المعاهد بالكويت لتعليم اللغات و شكراً للاستاذ احمد وحيد و استاذ حسام امين من افضل الاستاذ و أحسنهم تعامل و تدريس و الطلاب و التعامل جيد و مرا اخره شكراً لكل استاذ على كل شي lgk من افضل المعاهد🫶🏼

Qais Ghannam

Qais Ghannam

Eines der besten Institute, wenn nicht das Beste, das ich allen empfehle, die die deutsche Sprache beherrschen wollen, egal welches Niveau auch immer du bist. Dank der fleißigen Lehrer des LGK Instituts , die mir Beistand durch das gesamte Verfahren des Deutschlernens gegeben haben, habe ich die DSH Prüfung erfolgreich bestanden, in der ich die Note 2 bekommen habe. Bei diesem Institut Deutsch zu lernen ist wirklich eine empfehlenswerte Erfahrung, die du sicherlich niemals bereuen wirst.

Ahmed Ayman

Ahmed Ayman

After joining the German course, my skills have been developed by learning a new language. Mr. Amin and Mr. Waheed are the best German teachers who have helped, guided and supported me in every possible way. The way German and its concepts are taught is very clear and I can clarify doubts at anytime. Mr. Amin and Mr. Waheed teach me German and clarify my doubts very clearly. They also have helped me think very clearly and I have also gained my confidence. Thank you Mr. Amin and Mr. Waheed again for teaching me. I am really grateful. Nach dem Einstieg in den Deutschkurs haben sich meine Fähigkeiten durch das Erlernen einer neuen Sprache weiterentwickelt. Herr Amin und Herr Waheed sind die besten Deutschlehrer, die mir auf jede erdenkliche Weise geholfen, geführt und unterstützt haben. Die Art und Weise, wie Deutsch und seine Konzepte vermittelt werden, ist sehr klar und ich kann jederzeit Zweifel klären. Herr Amin und Herr Waheed bringen mir Deutsch bei und klären meine Zweifel sehr deutlich. Sie haben mir auch geholfen, sehr klar zu denken, und ich habe auch mein Selbstvertrauen gewonnen. Nochmals vielen Dank, Mr. Amin und Mr. Waheed, dass Sie mich unterrichtet haben. Ich bin wirklich dankbar.

Jihan Paul

Jihan Paul

واحد من احسن معاهد الموجود في الكويت مع اروع اساتذة وايد مرتاحة بتعاملكم 🙏🏻 مسجله معاكم في كورسات المانية و مستانسه وايد شكرًا لاستاذ حسام و استاذ احمد و صراحة بعد ما شفت تدريسهم مااقدر افكر تسجيل بمعاهد ثانيه اتمنالكم التوفيق ❤️

Fatima Jaderani

Fatima Jaderani

تجربة ممتازة تفاني واخلاص من جميع فريق العمل واهتمام حقيقي بايصال مهارات اللغة للمتقين. تجاوب ممتاز مع المشتركين في وقت الدورة وبعدها جزيل الشكر والتقدير لهر حسام هر احمد وحيد وفراو يمني على المجهود الكبير و الإخلاص في تأدية عملهم.

ياسر حبيب علي

ياسر حبيب علي

مشاءالله المعهد ذو تعليم عالي و الأستاذة صبوريين و طيبين و انصح اذا حده بدو يدرس اللغة الألمانية يسجل

محمود محمد

محمود محمد

استاذ حسام افضل استاذ ممكن اي احد ياخد معه دروس باللغة الالمانية يشرح وبفسر كل شي و مش بيترك الطالب غير وهو متاكد من انه مستعد ويركز على نقاط ضعفه ويعرف طلابه ويشتغل على نقط ضعفهم لما سافرت المانيا عدت كورس B2 لان لظروف كورونا ما قدرت اعمل امتحان B2 اخدت بجامعة لايبزغ وهي واحدة من اكبر الجامعات بالمانيا فؤجئت ان اللي خدناه مع استاذ حسام اقوى بمراحل من اللي درسنا بالمانيا والحمد لله تفوقت بفضل استاذ حسام ربنا يجازيه عنا كل خير.



بتجننو يعطيكن الف عافية ما مرق عليي استاذة متلكن انا هلأ ب A2 ان شاء الله ح كمل معكن لل B2



German Tests

Goethe-Zertifikat C1

If you would like ... Enrolling in a course in Germany Proof of advanced knowledge of the German language for work Preparing for a career in the medical field Proof of success in studying a levelC1 Obtaining an official internationally accredited certificate

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Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch 1

prepare a certificate Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch 1An exam in German for children and young people aged 10 to 16 years. Show your understanding of German in a very simple way By passing the exam, you prove your ability to...

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Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch

certificateGoethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch is a German language test for children and young people from 12 to 16 years old.

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would like ... Study or research in Germany Take a language test recognized by all universities in Germany. Convince research institutions and employers of your knowledge of the German language.

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Goethe-Test PRO - Deutsch für den Beruf

would like ... For your personal career: For companies: Verify the language skills of applicants and employees / Identify suitable individuals to work in an international work environment / Evaluate the current successes of continuing education in the field of continuing training / Create a sound basis for future continuing training procedures.

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Test for Ausländische Studierende -TestAS

It is considered a testTestAS is a standardized university examination that measures the intellectual abilities necessary to enter German universities. This test is intended for international students and holders of degrees from outside the European Union.

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Goethe-Zertifikat A2

certificateGoethe-Zertifikat A2 is a German language test for adults. The exam requires knowledge of the basics of the German language.

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What is a testDSH to master German?It is the German language proficiency test required for study at German universities, which can only be given in Germany, and this test must be passed before the start of the academic year at the university. It is one of the most important tests that measure the degree of proficiency in the German language for non-native speakers.

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Goethe-Zertifikat B2

If you would like to ... Study at a university in German-speaking countries Proof of your advanced knowledge of the German language when you apply for a job Prepare yourself for a career in the medical field in Germany Evidence of your success in learning the German language at the levelB2 Obtaining an official and internationally accredited certificate

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Goethe-Zertifikat B1

If you would like to ... Enroll in a course in Germany Live and work in Germany Proof of success in studying a levelB1 Obtain an official internationally accredited certificate.

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