If you would like to ...

- Studying at a university in German-speaking countries

- Proof of your advanced knowledge of the German language when you apply for a job

- Prepare yourself for a career in the medical field in Germany

 - Evidence of your success in learning the German language at the levelB2

- Obtaining an official and internationally accredited certificate

- certificateGoethe-Zertifikat B2 is a German language test for young people and adults.
The certificate indicates the achievement of an advanced level of language proficiency equivalent to the fourth of the six levels of language proficiency within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Bypassing the exam, you prove your ability to...

- Understand the main contents of challenging texts on both real and abstract topics in the field of expertise, as well as specialized discussions.

- The understanding is spontaneous and fluid in a way that allows for a natural dialogue with native German speakers without too much trouble on both sides.

- Clearly and accurately express your opinion on a large number of topics, explain your position on a current issue and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the different possibilities.

- In order to prepare for an examGoethe-Zertifikat B2 Here you will find exercises in listening, reading, writing and speaking.
